New Delhi:The BJP on Thursday welcomed the Surat court's decision to reject Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's plea for a stay on his conviction in the 'Modi surname' criminal defamation case as a "victory" of the judiciary, the common people and the backward classes while terming it as 'a slap on the Gandhi family's face'.
Hitting out at the Congress, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra said that the court's verdict was a "slap on the Gandhi family's face" and that "there could not be any preferential treatment for any family". "The court's decision is a blow to the arrogance of the Gandhi family, especially Rahul Gandhi. The verdict shows there is the rule of Constitution in this country, not the family. And there can't be a preferential treatment for any family....It also proves that the law is equal for everyone", Patra said.
Referring to Congress MP Pramod Tiwari's statement that Gandhi family should be treated differently by the law, Patra said that it is the victory of the common people of India and the backward classes. "This is also a huge victory of the judiciary...There is an atmosphere of happiness across the country," he said. Rahul Gandhi had abused the backward classes and the Gandhi family had thought they could escape by it but this did not happen, he added.