New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) passed a resolution for the construction of the Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya at the party's national executive committee meeting held at Palampur in 1989. Later, the BJP included the same in its election manifesto also. Thereafter, the agenda for the construction of the Sri Ram temple at Ayodhya was repeated in the party's several election manifestoes.
On the lines of Ayodhya formula, the BJP has been contemplating to resolve the Gyanvapi and Madhura imbroglios. Besides, similar to Ayodhya, the party had not included Gyanvapi and Mathura in its election manifestoes. Apart from this, the raking up of these controversial issues was also denting the image of the party on the development front. Whatever the saffron party has gained by carrying out development works, these Mandir and Masjid issues were causing damage to the party.