Gandhinagar: Gujarat Finance Minister Kanu Desai on Thursday presented the BJP government's last budget before Assembly elections, choosing to levy no new taxes and making the highest allocation for education.
The budget estimated an overall surplus of Rs 560.09 crore.
Assembly polls are due in Gujarat later this year.
The budget for 2022-23 proposed an outlay of Rs 2,43,965 crore, nearly Rs 17,000 crore more than the previous year.
It allotted the highest Rs 34,884 crore to the education sector, followed by Rs 15,568 crore to the energy and petrochemicals department, Rs 14,297 crore to urban development, Rs 12,240 crore to health and family welfare and Rs 12,024 crore to the road and building department.
Desai told the House that the budget focused mainly on providing social security, fighting malnutrition and creating new infrastructure.