Shimla: Ahead of polling in Himachal Pradesh, the BJP on Friday expelled its state executive committee member Anu Thakur for "anti-party" activities. According to a statement from the party, the BJP state president has expelled Thakur for a period of six years as she was indulging in anti-party activities and working against the party's official candidate. She hails from Anni assembly constituency of Kullu district. The BJP had earlier expelled five of its leaders from the party including state Vice president Kirpal Parmar. The BJP is grappling with rebels in 21 seats of the state. (PTI)
BJP expels executive committee member in HP
According to a statement from the party, the BJP state president has expelled Thakur for a period of six years as she was indulging in anti-party activities and working against the party's official candidate.
BJP expels executive committee member in HP
(This story has not been edited by ETV Bharat and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)