Lucknow:Laxmikant Vajpai, former Uttar Pradesh state president of BJP on Friday said that he had no qualms about members of the Yadav family entering BJP, noting, however, that they must ensure they do not have a criminal record, as well as follow BJP's nationalist ideology.
Speaking at a Press conference, Vajpai, the former state president as well as the head of the joining committee, said that those dissatisfied with the Yadavs are always welcome in the BJP fold. "They can join BJP, they just have to follow the nationalist ideology of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The party will also see to it that they do not have any criminal records.
"Many political and social organisations have supported the BJP. When Kalyan Singh left BJP, he created Rashtriya Janakranti Party. After his deaths, today the group has merged itself with BJP yet again," he noted, attributing his statement to BJP's alliance with RJP.