Chandigarh: Amid the on-going conflict between the Centre and Punjab government over the halting of freight trains due to the farm acts, a BJP delegation and two Congress delegations met the Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal. The meeting comes in the backdrop of the suspension of goods and passenger trains due to the farmers' agitation in Punjab over the contentious farm acts. The party delegations met the minister separately and sought his intervention to resume the rail services and end the 'dire consequences' imposed in Punjab amid the festive season.
However, the Congress Lok Sabha MPS and Rajya Sabha members Partap Singh Bajwa, Ravneet Bittu, Shamsher Singh Dullo, Manish Tiwari, Gurjeet Singh, Aujalla Muhammad, Amar Singh and Santosh Chaudhary met Piyush Goyal separately and discussed the current situation.
Taking it to Twitter, Dullo wrote, "Today Shamsher Singh Dullo Ji and I met with Piyush Goyal Ji to discuss the ongoing suspension of freight services by the Indian Railways in Punjab. We urged the Hon’ble Minister to intervene in this matter and resume the supply of essential goods to the State at the earliest."
The BJP delegation included Union Minister of Civil Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri, National Party Secretary-General Tarun Chug, spokesman RP Singh and Punjab Unity Chairman Ashwani Sharma.
Talking to ETV Bharat after meeting Rajya Sabha MP Pratap Singh Bajwa said that Punjab is an agrarian state and its wheat season. It requires coal and fertilizers. Supply of these affected due to no trains. We have requested railway minister to consider these issues. Bajwa said that he will take up the issue of security of rails with Punjab Chief Minister and well try to ensure that these problems are solved.