New Delhi: BJP on Sunday shared a video on its official X (formerly Twitter) handle claiming that all was not well between Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi.
The party, in what many called was "cheap" tactic, questioned the sibling relationship. "Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka's relationship is not like that of a common brother and sister. Priyanka is faster than Rahul, but the party is dancing at Rahul's behest, Sonia Gandhi is also completely with Rahul! It is not just that Priyanka's disappearance from the meeting of the arrogant alliance! See in the video, how sister is being used only for election campaign," the BJP wrote and posted the video.
In the video, the narrator explains how Congress was "using" Priyanka for party campaigns while all credit was being given to Rahul Gandhi. "In Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka, Priyanka Gandhi held over 28 rallies and played a significant role in the party's victory. But Rahul Gandhi ensured the party's defeat in 39 elections. He is still given all the credit. He also launched the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme. That is probably why Priyanka Gandhi distanced herself from Rahul Gandhi on the stage after the Karnataka win," the video's narrator says.
The video, posted on Sunday morning, captures candid moments between Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi, where they share laughter and affectionate interactions. Despite the apparent warmth, the video implies that the siblings may be trying to portray their relationship as ordinary, when it may not be the case.