New Delhi: The Congress has mounted further attack on the BJP-led government in Haryana for suppressing the voice of the farmers by blocking internet in Karnal. Congress chief spokesperson, Randeep Surjewala said in a statement, "The Khattar government has lost the confidence and the mandate of the people and it should leave. When your party can talk to the Taliban, why not farmers."
He added that it's dictatorship to block the internet. Multi-layer security has been deployed at the spot where Mahapanchayat is to be held. Around 30 battalions, including the central forces have been deployed to ensure security and to avoid any untoward incident.
Though there are multi-layer barricading to stop people from moving towards the Karnal mandi, the agitating farmers said they will reach the spot at any cost. "If needed, we will break the barricades. No security can stop farmers from attending the mahapanchayat," said Jagdeep Singh Chaduni, a Karnal-based Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU).