Bengal: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee comparison to the deceased BJP leader Manas Saha to a ‘dead dog’ during an election campaign in Bhowanipore Friday drew heavy criticism from the BJP leaders. The remarks were made a day after the state BJP leadership tried to enter Banerjee’s residence in Kalighat with the body of Manas Saha.
National in-charge of BJP's Information & Technology and co-in charge West Bengal Amit Malviya lashed out at CM Banerjee. In a tweet on Saturday, Malviya said: "Shameful that Mamata Banerjee equates the body of Shri Manas Saha, a BJP candidate, who succumbed to injuries sustained during post-poll violence to the rotting carcass of a dog. As if overseeing the goriest post-poll violence wasn’t enough, she reaffirms her insensitivity to it."
Addressing the public in the 71st ward of Bhawanipore Vidhan Sabha constituency Friday, Banerjee said, “When I went for a meeting yesterday, I heard that they (BJP workers) were trying to enter my house with a dead body… You have the audacity to do this in front of my residence.”