New Delhi: The BJP on Friday accused AAP leader Mukesh Goel of demanding money from a junior engineer of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi for giving gifts to party leaders. No immediate reaction was available from Goel or the AAP over the BJP's allegations. AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal should immediately sack Goel from the party, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra said at a press conference while showing a video of the purported sting operation on Goel.
BJP accuses AAP MCD candidate of graft
No immediate reaction was available from Goel or the AAP over the BJP's allegations. AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal should immediately sack Goel from the party, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra said at a press conference while showing a video of the purported sting operation on Goel.
"Goel demanded Rs one crore from the MCD junior engineer saying it was needed for giving Diwali gifts to 100-150 leaders," Patra alleged. The BJP leader further claimed that Goel was the "right hand" of Kejriwal, who never took any decision on MCD matters without consulting him. Goel is the AAP candidate from the Adarsh Nagar ward in the MCD polls.
Goel, a five-time municipal councilor, quit the Congress in November last year and joined the AAP. The 250-ward MCD goes to polls on December 4 and the counting of votes will take place on December 7. (PTI)