Katihar: A woman living in the Mufassil police station area has given birth to a child with four arms and legs at Katihar Sadar Hospital in Bihar. According to doctors, both the mother and the child are healthy. People have gathered outside the hospital to have a glimpse of the child.
Raju Sah, who reached Katihar Sadar Hospital on Monday was shocked to know that his wife had delivered a baby having four arms and four legs.
Child Born With Four Legs And Hands in Bihar According to the sources, the relatives are accusing the doctor of a private clinic for the unusual newborn. Relatives said that the ultrasound report never revealed anything about these deformities nor did the doctors tell them anything about the condition of the newborn in the womb.
The doctors of Sadar Hospital said that the baby is physically challenged and it happened due to lack of proper development of the twins growing inside during pregnancy.
Also Read: Woman gives birth to baby on hand cart in Dholpur