Rampurhat (WB):A woman, who suffered burn injuries in the Rampurhat massacre in West Bengal's Birbhum district in March, died on Sunday morning while undergoing treatment, police said. With this, 10 people have died of burn injuries after their houses in Bogtui village were allegedly firebombed following the murder of local TMC leader Bhadu Sheikh.
Birbhum massacre: Woman succumbs to burn injuries, toll rises to 10
A woman, who suffered burn injuries in the Rampurhat massacre in West Bengal's Birbhum district in March, died on Sunday morning while undergoing treatment, police said.
The woman was admitted to the hospital with 27 per cent burn injuries, a police officer told the media. "She was discharged after her condition improved. But, she was again admitted to the Rampurhat Medical College and Hospital after her health condition started deteriorating. She died early Sunday morning," he said. The CBI took over the investigation of the incident, which happened on March 20, from the state police on the direction of the Calcutta High Court.
Birbhum massacre