Coimbatore: A video of the chopper carrying Gen. Bipin Rawat and 12 others who died in the chopper crash on Wednesday is going viral. Joe and Naseer, the residents of the Ramanathapuram area of Coimbatore were on a trek in the vicinity of the accident spot when the chopper crashed. Joe shot the video that's going viral, unaware of the fact that it is going to crash moments later.
Both Joe and Naseer share their experience with ETV Bharat.
Speaking to Etv Bharat, Joe said, "My friend Nasser and I had gone out trekking with my family on that day. While taking a video on the tracks, we saw a helicopter flying by and starting shooting it."
"Following that, the chopper disappeared within seconds and we heard the sound of exploding. All of this happened within 4 to 5 seconds. When we attempted to rush to spot of the crash, the cops halted us. So we went to a friend's house close by. The full details of the chopper crash were later revealed on television," he added.