Prakasam (Andhra Pradesh): CCTV footage of a road accident has emerged in which one person died, while two others suffered injuries in Peddaravidu Mandal of Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. The two injured were shifted to Markapuram District Hospital for treatment. The incident happened on 14th October, however, the video of the accident surfaced on October 19.
One killed, 2 injured as bike rams into divider in AP, video surfaces
CCTV video of the accident shows a Bolero-pickup speeding on a highway. Meanwhile, a bike tries to overtake it and the view of the rider is blocked because the Bolero was going ahead of him. Later, the biker rams into the divider.
CCTV video of the accident shows a Bolero-pickup speeding on a highway. Meanwhile, a bike tries to overtake it and the view of the rider is blocked because the Bolero was going ahead of him. Later, the biker rams into the divider. Both the bike rider and his pillion rider were flung into the air and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, their bike collided with another two-wheeler moving on the left side of the Bolero, causing injuries to the third person.
Seconds after the accident, the driver of the Bolero and other people can be seen rushing to help the injured ones who were laying in an oblivion state.
Road accidents in India