Nawada (Bihar):A village headman was allegedly beaten up and tortured in police lock up in the Nawada district of Bihar on Monday. Victim Ramswarup Yadav, a brick kiln owner and also chairman of Primary Agricultural Co-operative Society (PACS), was arrested by the police for not depositing the royalty fee pertaining to brick kiln works, sources said.
Ramswarup Yadav, who was undergoing treatment at the Sadar Hospital, said, "Police not only assaulted me but also beat up my wife. Besides, the police behaved rudely with other members of my family. The mining department had filed a case against me with Akbarpur police station in connection with depositing the royalty fee for running the brick kiln. I had already deposited the royalty fee. But I failed to procure the deposit receipt from the mining department. Hence, I was unable to get bail in the case."