Patna:Noting that the school education system in Bihar needs a complete overhaul, Education Minister Chandrashekhar on Wednesday said his government will send a team to Delhi and other states to study their education models. A day after taking over as the new education minister of Bihar, Chandrashekhar said the large number of vacancies in government schools and lack of proper performance evaluation systems are the main reasons for which the state's students are suffering.
"I personally feel that the existing school education system in the state must be changed. It needs a complete overhaul. Since I am a professor, I can easily find out those areas where drastic changes are required," he told reporters. "I have started interacting with government teachers and officials of the department. The large number of teacher vacancies in government schools and lack of performance evaluation systems are the main reasons for which the state's students are suffering. These issues will be examined at length and people will witness drastic changes," he added.