New Delhi: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) national spokesperson Nawal Kishore on Thursday slammed the Bihar government for inadequate facilities at COVID-19 hospitals and asked state health minister Mangal Pandey to return from campaigning in West Bengal to witness the horrifying situation back home.
Pandey, who was campaigning for the BJP, came to Patna on Tuesday and inspected Nalanda Medical College and Hospital (NMCH).
While he was inspecting the facilities at the NMCH, a 60-year-old retired army man Vinod Kumar Singh died outside the casualty ward. His son Abhimanyu Singh claimed that he had requested the hospital administration several times to at least allow his father inside, but the doctors refused.
Commenting on the death, the RJD spokesperson alleged that the state health minister should be held responsible for medical failure as the hospital staff denied admitting the patient until the minister was done with his inspection.
Read: Tejashwi urges Modi to free Bihar Health Minister from Bengal campaign