Patna: With the railways gradually resuming train operations in Bihar after being suspended due to coronavirus-induced lockdown, there has been a spurt in black marketing and looting of ticket money at Patna railway station. A special investigation by ETV Bharat has found that the notorious black market of railway tickets roared back on track in Bihar causing inconvenience to the common people.
On one hand where the stranded passengers struggle to book the ticket waiting for hours at the railway counter, brokers and touts, on the other hand, hoard seat reservations and sell them off at a premium. The common man struggles with an overloaded booking portal, slow network and server whereas side-street agents steal the show.
The special investigation also revealed that station officers connive with agents and tickets are sold to the latter which are, in turn, sold to the consumers at a much higher price.
Local resident Ashok Sah said, "We have to face a lot of difficulties in getting railway tickets. We have to make several rounds to the ticket counter to get the ticket."
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