Patna: JDU MLA Gopal Mandal from Gopalpur in Bihar's Bhagalpur district on Thursday hogged the limelight after images of him seen walking in undergarments in the Rajendranagar (Patna)-New Delhi Rajdhani Express became viral. Not just that, the MLA even allegedly abused those who objected to his actions in the moving train. The incident took place when the MLA was proceeding to the toilet from his coupe.
Prahlad Paswan, a resident of Jehanabad travelling in the same coach with his family from Patna Junction to New Delhi, strongly objected to the MLA walking in underwear in the presence of female passengers. But instead of heeding to the plea, the MLA created a ruckus on the contrary.
Also read:WATCH: JDU MLA gets leg massage from party workers
The MLA who was travelling in A1 coach of the Tejas Rajdhani Express had to face the ire of fellow passengers for walking in underwear after the train had crossed the Dildarnagar Station.
Reportedly, the situation worsened to such an extent that a ruckus broke out inside the coach and the RPF personnel had to intervene and calm down the situation.