New Delhi: Bihar BJP spokesperson Dr. Ram Sagar Singh on Thursday said that the Bihar government is combatting coronavirus on a stronger note by stocking oxygen, medicine and food.
"There's no need to panic. The government is promoting efficient vaccination against covid across Bihar. The state government wants to run the vaccination drive on a large scale in all the districts. Arrangements are being made to stop the black marketing of essential drugs," he stated.
Read:|Bihar imposes lockdown till May 15
Nearly 54 medicines that are used in the ICU have been added to the Essential Drugs list and all the government and private hospitals have been provided with adequate resources including oxygen cylinders, ventilators and Remdesivir medicine to fight against Covid, he added.
According to the BJP spokesperson, the Bihar government is also making arrangements to employ the skilled migrant workers who are returning to the state amid the Covid period and lockdown.
Canteens have been set up in different districts to provide food for poor people.