Patna:The BJP in Bihar on Sunday claimed to have received a shot in the arm following the re-induction of former MLA Amarnath Gami, who was suspended nine years ago for indiscipline. Gami, a two-term MLA, rejoined the party here in the presence of BJP national general secretary in charge of Bihar Vinod Tawade, state president Sanjay Jaiswal and union ministers Nityanand Rai and Ashwini Choubey, among others.
The BJP leaders claimed that the return of Gami will strengthen the saffron party in a state where it needs to rebuild itself after snapping of ties by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, which also stripped it of power. The re-induction of Gami, a Vaishya, comes at a time when the party is facing an uphill task in Gopalganj where Kusum Devi's bid to retain the assembly seat for the BJP is being challenged by RJD's Mohan Gupta who also belongs to the trader caste.