Patna: Duplication and names of many health workers missing on the Co-WIN app flagged by the health authorities in Bihar have become hurdles in the state vaccination drive. Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) claimed that there was duplication in names of its health care workers generated through the portal on Thursday. The hospital also stated that the names of many health care workers are not available on the mobile application.
At the same time, Nalanda Medical College Hospitals (NMCH) has also raised concerns over names of its health care workers missing on the portal. Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (IGIMS) also raised a similar issue where more than one thousands names of health care workers are missing from the portal.
All three premium medical hospitals constitute around 9000 healthcare workers in the state capital. The medical institutes stated that they are not able to meet their vaccination target due to the technical snag.
On the condition of anonymity, a senior official of PMCH accepted that many people have registered their names for the vaccination but they are not turning up out of fear of side effects.
“We all know that vaccination is safe but in some cases, even healthcare workers are afraid of side effects and that's the reason that many names are missing at the time of vaccination. To boost the morale of the healthcare worker, Pratyaya Amrit, principal secretary of the health department took the Covishield vaccine apart from some senior faculty members. However, there is a genuine problem in terms of duplication of names which we cannot deny. In fact, we have informed the official concerned regarding this problem, “said a senior official of IGIMS.