New Delhi: A day after meeting President Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhawan, deputy Chief Ministers of Bihar Tarkishore Prasad and Renu Devi on Thursday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi. In a 30-minute-long courtesy meeting, the two leaders conveyed to PM Modi steps taken by the state government to create 20 lakh job opportunities in the public and private sectors and making Bihar 'Atamnirbhar'.
Bihar BJP unit is organising chaupals and press conferences to educate and aware the farmers on the farm bills. The deputy CMs also submitted a report of state BJP leaders on their performance.
Prasad, four-time MLA from Kathiar, wrote on Twitter, "Met Prime Minister Narendra Modi today with Renu Devi and discussed various developmental and future projects of Bihar. Bihar will progress further."
Devi, sitting MLA from Bettaih, also tweeted about their courtesy meeting with PM Modi.