New Delhi:Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishore Prasad lauded the judiciary for its verdict against the Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad who was convicted in the fodder scam case by Ranchi's Special CBI Court on Tuesday.
"It was the judicial process under which the judgement was delivered. The judiciary did its job. The court is impartial. Besides, it was one of the biggest scams in the country. Once people across the country used to talk about this bungling. The court intervened into the matter as someone ignored people's interest," Tarkishore said.
Lalu Prasad's conviction in fodder scam takes place under judicial process : Bihar deputy CM Bihar Minister and BJP leader Ram Surat Rai too reacted to the judgment and said: "Justice is delayed but not denied. Everybody should welcome the court's judgement. The court's decision is acceptable to all."
Lalu Prasad was convicted in the fifth fodder scam case by a CBI Special Court in Ranchi on Tuesday. He has now been convicted in all five cases related to the infamous Rs 950 crore fodder scam cases. On February 21, the court will pronounce the quantum of punishment in the multi-crore scam.