Gopalganj (Bihar): In a shocking incident, a cobra allegedly died after biting a minor boy, who surprisingly survived the venomous encounter in Bihar's Gopalganj. Four-year-old Anuj Kumar was playing at his maternal home in Khajuri East Tola on Wednesday evening when the cobra bit him, his mother Kiran Devi told ETV Bharat.
Bihar: Cobra dies after biting 4-year-old boy in Gopalganj
Four-year-old Anuj Kumar was playing at his maternal home in Khajuri East Tola on Wednesday evening when the cobra bit him, his mother Kiran Devi told ETV Bharat.
Four-year-old Anuj Kumar was playing at his maternal home in Khajuri East Tola on Wednesday evening when the cobra bit him, his mother Kiran Devi told ETV Bharat. The child, son of Rohit Kushwaha, a resident of Madhopur village of Barauli started crying and was taken by the family to the hospital for treatment where he is recovering well. Devi said after biting her son, the snake crawled to a distance and died afterwards.
Also read: Watch: Snake swallows another snake, spits it out dead
The child, a resident of Madhopur village of Barauli, started crying and was taken by the family to the hospital for treatment where he is recovering well. Devi said after biting her son, the snake crawled to a distance and died. After the unusual news spread all over the area, a crowd of people gathered in the hospital to see the child. The incident is no less than a miracle, the mother said.
Last Updated : Jun 23, 2022, 3:19 PM IST