New Delhi: A bizarre spectacle unfolded at a Gujarat assembly elections rally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday. In a video put out by Congress on Twitter, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel is seen trying to enter a car purportedly of Prime Minister Narendra Modi but is being refused access.
The clip, which has garnered more than 6,000 likes and 2,000 retweets so far, sees Patel turning around and waving his hand toward the camera before trying to enter the black SUV. What follows has been slammed by several leaders, as the CM continues to walk alongside the car, trying to get in but is unsuccessful.
Reacting to the clip, TRS Social Media Convenor Y Sathish Reddy, popularly known as YSR, wondered how the situation would be for a common man. "Look at what an elected CM has to face. If a BJP CM has to undergo this treatment from Modi ji, then imagine the plight of common man!" YSR tweeted.