New Delhi: In line with its plan to retire Play Music, Google started inviting users of the service to transfer their music libraries, personal taste preferences and playlists to YouTube Music, also tweeted by Google Play Music.
"We want to ensure everyone has time to transfer their content and get used to YouTube Music, so we'll provide plenty of notice ahead of users no longer having access to Google Play Music later this year," YouTube said in a blog post.
"All Google Play Music users will soon receive an email with detailed instructions on how to begin transferring your full Google Play Music history and content, as well as podcasts, to their new homes," it said.
- YouTube Music offers over 50 million official tracks, albums and high quality audio, as well as deep cuts, B-sides, live performances, and remixes.
"We've increased playlist length from 1,000 to 5,000 songs to make room for even more of your favorites songs," read the blog post.
- Users will be able to listen to their uploaded and purchased music from Google Play Music after the transfer, or add up to 100,000 personal tracks to their library in YouTube Music, an increase of more than 50,000 compared to Google Play Music.