New Delhi:One of the most important activities of our life is sleep. So, here's a surprise, there's a day in the year dedicated to sleeping. No, this is not in jest, today is "World Sleep Day" and a recent study revealed that Indians are sleeping less than they used to.
Not enough sleep!
The sleep survey conducted by Centuary Mattresses discovered that overall nationally, the hours of sleep came down in most of the cities.
Interestingly, across 10 cities in India, the survey found that collectively hours of sleep have come down in most of the cities, and people are not able to sleep for the required eight hours needed.
Young people get less sleep
The findings are even more worrying when you look at the gender-wise numbers and discover that younger women in the age groups of 25-35 years are sleeping for 6.60 hours on weekends and 6.97 hours on weekdays in 2019 which is at least an hour less then they did in the year 2018. Compared to them, young males slept for 6.58 Hours on weekends and 6.73 hours on weekdays.
Are wealthier people getting better sleep?
The duration of the sleep in people in the higher income group has also reduced to 6.74 Hours on weekends and 6.75 Hours on weekdays in 2019. Whereas, there hasn't been a much change noticed in the case of Middle income bracket with 7.46 Hours on weekends and 6.84 Hours on weekdays in 2019 against 7.45 hours and 7.29 hours a year before.
Are you sleeping well?