New Delhi: Police have registered a case against a woman for illegally entering the SRCC girls' hostel and stealing cash and a debit card, which she used to buy goods worth over Rs 35,000 on Monday.
The woman could not be identified by guards or officials of the Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC), they said.
The incident took place on September 12, police said, adding that the college lodged a complaint on Monday.
SRCC principal Simrit Kaur said an internal committee has been formed to look into the matter and security has also been strengthened.
"Police have registered an FIR. College authorities learnt about the incident on Saturday and immediately the committee was formed. The guards, under whose watch the incident happened, have been suspended," Kaur said.
The woman, an outsider, entered the hostel and took away the debit card of a student and stole Rs 1,000, police said.