New Delhi:RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday said Mahatma Gandhi was a hardcore Sanatani Hindu who stuck to his faith and respected other faiths as well and asked if anyone in present times would atone like Gandhi if their agitation goes wrong and creates law and order problem.
Gandhi's ideals were purely Indian therefore he never shied from showing his Hindu credentials, Bhagwat said, asserting that India of Gandhi's dreams is now being realised.
"Gandhiji at times said that he is a hardcore Sanatani Hindu and since he is hardcore Sanatani Hindu, he doesn't distinguish between the different ways to worship God. Therefore he stuck to his faith and suggested respect for other faiths as well," the RSS chief said at the unveiling of a book on Gandhi.
Bhagwat said Gandhi had the quality of atoning for his mistakes.
Country belongs to Hindus says Mohan Bhagwat
"If his experiments or his agitations digressed from their path, he would do penance. If (in current times) something goes wrong during agitation or it creates law and order disturbance, is there someone to atone for it," he said, adding those who are in the front of protests usually pay the price as they are killed or jailed.