New Delhi: Actor Sushant Singh Rajput's family lawyer Vikas Singh said on Sunday that he was highly perturbed by the AIIMS' medico-legal opinion submitted to the CBI and would request the probe agency's chief to constitute a fresh forensic team in the case.
Casting aspersions over the AIIMS' medical board ruling out murder in the death of Rajput, the senior advocate said how can the expert team give a conclusive opinion in the absence of the actor's body.
Highly perturbed with AIIMS report. Going to request the CBI director to constitute a fresh forensic team.
"How could AIIMS team give a conclusive report in the absence of the body, that too on such a shoddy post mortem done by the Cooper hospital (in Mumbai) wherein the time of death is also not mentioned," he tweeted.
The AIIMS' medical board has ruled out murder in the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and termed it "a case of hanging and death by suicide," the premier institute's forensic chief Dr Sudhir Gupta said on Saturday.
In its conclusive medico-legal opinion to the CBI, the six-member team dismissed the claims of "poisoning and strangling", with Dr Gupta saying the panel did not find any trace of poison and drugs in the viscera.