New Delhi: The Delhi High Court asked the AAP government on Tuesday as to what was so special about spas that they were not being allowed to open even though everything else like markets, gyms, restaurants, metro and buses was operational in the city.
The query by Justice Navin Chawla came after the central government said it has issued an office memorandum on November 18 allowing reopening of spas, while Delhi government said it was not going to permit that in view of the third wave of COVID-19 infections in the city.
The counsel appearing for Delhi government told the court that he was given oral instructions that spas would not be reopened in view of prevailing conditions in the national capital and sought time to file an affidavit giving reasons for the same.
To this, the court asked, "Why? Why only spas? What is so special about spas? You have opened everything else. Look at markets, restaurants, metros, buses, all are open and running full time."
It directed the Delhi government to indicate, in its affidavit, what was special about spas that they were not being allowed to open, when everything else was being permitted.