New Delhi: Manoj Tiwari, out-going Delhi BJP Chief in an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat talked about how he rose about petty politics and asked some queries to the CM of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal about various developments related to COVID-19 for the sake of people of Delhi, however was disappointed as even after 90 hours, Arvind Kejriwal did not respond to his queries.
He further said that as CM is an active social media user so he through the medium of Twitter posed these queries to him which have not been answered yet. He said that he will now upload a video message asking the CM to respond to his queries which were all related to how Delhi government tackled the situation during the COVID-19 crises.
1: Why did not Delhi government manage COVID-10 crisis on time ?
2: How much amount did Delhi government spent on Ventilators and other medical equipment in government hospitals?
3: How much amount did Delhi government spend on advertisements related to COVID-19 during the crisis?
Corona patients not getting proper treatment :
Manoj Tiwari also stated that he used to get frequent calls from many people who had got infected with corona and were worried about the treatment as government hospitals lack adequate facilities and private hospitals charge exorbitant rates. He said that that why he felt the need to question Delhi government about the amount of money they spend on government hospitals.