Bihar:Congress party’s Bihar in-charge Shakti Singh Gohil on Monday lashed out at Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for having issued a special vehicular permit to state BJP MLA Anek Singh to bring his son back home from Kota in Rajasthan amid a nationwide lockdown while accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of stating different lockdown rules for his party and the rest of the country.
“Modi asked everyone to stay put amid the lockdown, and everyone cooperated. The poor and the labourers are facing hardships but are trying to sustain themselves wherever they are. But BJP MLA Anek Singh is issued a special permit by the state government to travel by car from Patna in Bihar to Kota in Rajasthan to bring back his child. This permit was issued on April 15 which was valid till 25 April,” said Gohil in a video message.
The agitated leader added, “There are several families whose children are staying at Kota, but both PM Modi and Nitish Kumar ask them to stay put.”