Madurai: A visually impaired 25-year-old from Tamil Nadu has cracked the notoriously difficult Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination and secured 286th All India Rank in a feat that has drawn praise from many. Her story of breaking all odds to crack the tough exam makes for an exceptionally inspiring story.
Purana Sunthari completed her B.A. in English literature from Fatima College in 2015. She currently works as a clerk in Tamil Nadu Grama Bank. She has been continuously appearing for the CSE since 2016.
Sunthari has won tremendous praise from people on Twitter and her story has also been shared by former cricketer Mohammad Kaif.
In her first attempt, she did not clear the preliminaries, which she subsequently managed to in her second and third attempts, but failed to get through the interview. In February 2019 she cracked the interview in her fourth attempt and she bagged the 286th rank.
She said, "I've been visually impaired since the age of Five. I reached this much height with my parents' support and care. Also, my school teachers, College teachers, and friends helped us a lot. The motivation I got from them is the reason why I believed in myself and also achieved it. The principal and professors of Madurai Fathima College, where I studied, invited me and honoured me."
She further said, "I want to recall that I came first in my school 10th standard because of my self-confidence and continuous efforts. I want to mention each of my teachers who helped me to achieve this. My family friend Nagarjuna is the biggest backbone of my success. He always used to encourage me"