Kanpur (UP):Gangster Vikas Dubey, who was gunned down by Uttar Pradesh police near Kanpur, faced a total of 61 criminal cases during his three-decade-long career, including eight murder cases that involved the killing of at least 15 people.
The latest murder case registered at Chaubeypur police station in Kanpur, after a deadly ambush on a police team by his henchmen, alone accounted for the killing of eight people. The other seven murder cases were filed between 1992 and 2017, revealed a police history sheet on Dubey''s offences.
Since 1990, Dubey faced nine cases of attempt to murder, two under NDPS Act, seven under Gangsters Act, six under Goonda Act, three under Arms Act, besides a slew of cases for various other penal offences.
However, there was no immediately available information on how many times Dubey, who once even got detained under the National Security Act, was arrested by police or convicted by courts.
"Dubey was arrested multiple times during his lifetime and also got detained under NSA in 2001. He would often get bail from the court," Inspector General (Kanpur) Mohit Agarwal said on Saturday.
Dubey was around 30 years old when he was booked under the stringent National Security Act in 2001. The FIR was lodged at Shivli police station in Kanpur.
Agarwal said the exact details about his arrests were not immediately available and were a matter of detailed probe, considering his long criminal history.
Nearly 80 per cent of the 61 FIRs against Dubey were lodged during the first half of his criminal career. The first case against the alleged mafioso, a native of Bikru village in Kanpur, was registered against him in 1990 for causing "grievous hurt" and "provoking breach of peace" by intentional insult, revealed the official document.