New Delhi:BJP national President JP Nadda on Tuesday said that during the earlier UPA rule, the then PM (Manmohan Singh) never met with Chief Ministers or held meetings with them but present Prime Minister Narendra Modi had held six meetings with the political heads of the states and taken suggestions amid the coronavirus crisis.
Addressing an election rally in Assam through video conference, Nadda said that the Rs 20 lakh crore ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat' package announced by Modi held the potential to change the face and destiny of India.
He said that the reforms-oriented package had allocated funds for the MSMEs, agriculture and other sectors and advocated ‘vocal for local'.
The BJP chief said that Modi took along various states as well as people in the nation's fight against the coronavirus crisis.
Listing out the central government's achievements in its fight against coronavirus, Nadda said that there was no dedicated hospital to treat corona patients when the nationwide lockdown was imposed on March 24-25 midnight.
Now there were 1,000 such hospitals, 2 lakh dedicated beds, and 21,000 ventilators, he said. Nadda said that 60,000 ventilators were set to be added in this very month.