Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh): The famous temporary Ram Mandir in Ayodhya reopened on Monday after two months of corona-induced lockdown. The deity of Lord Rama has been placed in the bullet proof makeshift temple, giving the devotees a different experience of worship.
With the new guidelines announced by the Home Ministry in context with the religious places, only five devotees are allowed to enter the temple at one go. Security guards, who are deployed at the entrance gate to ensure that people follow social distancing norms, said that as many as 100 devotees visited the temple today.
However, with the pandemic hitting the country, the plan for the construction of the temple has been delayed.
Physical offerings like prasad/distribution or sprinkling of holy water has been strictly prohibited and mandatory thermal screening provisions and only asymptomatic persons are allowed in the premises. Only local people are allowed in the temple. Markings have been done on the ground to ensure that people adhere to social distancing norms.