Ranchi: Renominating Union ministers Jayant Sinha and Sudarshan Bhagat as Lok Sabha candidates, the BJP Saturday replaced eight-time MP Kariya Munda with former chief minister Arjun Munda from the Khunti (ST) seat. Arjun Munda, who was chief minister thrice, had won the 2009 Lok Sabha elections from Jamshedpur and hails from neighbouring Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
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Union Minister of state for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha and Union Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Sudarshan Bhagat have been re-nominated from Hazaribagh and Lohardaga (ST) constituencies respectively.
The party, which is contesting 13 of the 14 Lok Sabha seats from Jharkhand, has announced 10 candidates and kept names on hold for Ranchi, Koderma and Chatra constituencies, a senior party leader said here.
The names for these three seats are likely to be announced on March 25," the leader said.