New Delhi: UnionHuman Resource Development Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank launched a new mobile app called the ‘National Test Abhyas', developed by National Testing Agency, NTA.
As per a tweet by HRD Ministry, This App helps to enable candidates to take mock tests for upcoming exams such as JEE Main, NEET under the NTA’s purview. A video has been released on twitter to understand how this app works.
Features of the app are:-
- The candidates gets access to high quality mock tests This way they maintain the safety norms of being home and are also able to make up for the losses as educational institutions and NTA’s Test-Practice Centers (TPCs) are closed.
- Even the students can give tests by using the app which helps them to prepare properly for the upcoming JEE, NEET and other competitive exams.
- These tests which appear online in the app can be downloaded easily and then the students can complete these tests offline. This also helps in economising on internet availability.
- The app works on Android-based smartphones and tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play Store. The app will be soon available on iOS.
How does this whole process of tests work? NTA will upload one mock test everyday. Students can download and attempt these tests offline. Once the students have completed their test, they can upload or submit the test and get their test report. The test report on the NTA Mock Test App comes with a detailed breakdown of students’ performance through which they can understand their personalised path to achieving better scores in their entrance examination.
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This whole process works without the internet connectivity also and which will prove advantageous for students even in areas with low bandwidth and remove obstacles in the way of large-scale online test preparation. In addition to that NTA has developed extensive support system at