New Delhi: Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' on Thursday said there has been an "uninformed commentary" on the exclusion of certain topics from the CBSE syllabus to portray a false narrative.
The comments by the minister came following a controversy over the reduction of the syllabus by the CBSE due to the COVID-19 situation, with the Opposition alleging that chapters on India's democracy and plurality are being "dropped" to propagate a particular ideology.
"There has been a lot of uninformed commentary on the exclusion of some topics from CBSE syllabus. The problem with these comments is that they resort to sensationalism by connecting topics selectively to portray a false narrative.
"While it is easy to misconstrue exclusion of 3-4 topics like nationalism, local government, federalism, etc and build a concocted narrative, a wider perusal of different subjects will show that this exclusion is happening across subjects," Nishank said in a series of tweets.
Also read:CBSE rationalises syllabus by 30% for classes 9-12 to make up for academic loss