Mumbai:Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday said that splitting with their decades-old ally Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was a hurtful decision and Shiv Sena had stood like a mountain for BJP during the time of crisis.
"I am honestly saying that it was not a game. We were with the BJP from the past 25-30 years and it was not any sort of political compulsion. We have a relationship with Pramod ji (Pramod Mahajan), Nitin ji (Nitin Gadkari), Gopinath ji (Gopinath Munde) and besides them Atal ji (Atal Bihari Vajpayee). I was anguished while breaking up with them (BJP). This has hurt me a lot...During the time of crisis, our party stood like a mountain for them...there were attacks on Hindutva, we took it upon ourselves.. Why could not they stay united with the Shiv Sena?," he said in an interview with Shiv Sena's mouthpiece Saamna.
When enquired if there is any possibility of forming an alliance with the BJP in the future, Thackeray avoided a direct answer and said: "whatever I have done so far, I have done with an open heart."
Also read: Will definitely go to Delhi when I need to, says Thackeray