Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday directed the Maharashtra government to submit by Monday the medical report of Partho Dasgupta, former Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) CEO arrested in the television rating points (TRP) rigging scam.
A single bench of Justice PD Naik heard an urgent bail plea this evening, filed by Dasgupta's counsels, seeking interim bail for at least two weeks considering his poor health.
Last week, Dasgupta was rushed to JJ Hospital from the Taloja prison, where he is lodged as an undertrial after his blood sugar levels shot up and he fell unconscious.
Dasgupta was discharged this evening, after which his lawyers moved HC seeking an urgent hearing.
"He was discharged from JJ Hospital on a stretcher. If he was fit enough to be discharged, then he should have been walking out and not been carried out on a stretcher," said Dasgupta's counsel Arjun Singh Thakur.