Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government on Monday rejected the centre's three-language formula proposed in the new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and said there will not be any deviation from the two-language policy being followed in the state.
Taking strong exception to the proposal for the three-language formula in the NEP, Chief Minister K Palaniswami who chaired a Cabinet meeting at the Secretariat
here, said the state has been following the two-language policy for several decades and there will be no change in it.
"Tamil Nadu will never allow the Centre's three-language policy. The state will continue with its dual language policy (of Tamil and English)," the chief minister
"The three-language formula in the NEP is painful and saddening. The Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) should reconsider the three-language policy," he said, adding the Centre should allow the states to implement their own policy on the subject.
Palaniswami said there will be no change to the two-language formula which the state had adopted decades ago.