New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday said that it has filed a charge sheet against Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed, one of his Pakistani associates, a Delhi-based hawala dealer and others in connection with a money-laundering probe linked to an alleged terror financing case.
The agency's case is based on a National Investigation Agency complaint filed against the accused and Pakistan-based organisation Falah-i-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF).
"The prosecution complaint (charge sheet) has been filed against Indian national Mohd Salman, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed (founder of LeT, Jamaat-Ud-Dawa and Falah-i-Insaniyat foundation), his deputy Shahid Mehmood, Dubai-based Pakistani Mohd Kamran and Mohd Salim alias Mama, a Delhi-based hawala operator under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act in an ongoing investigation linked to a terror-financing case," the ED said in a statement.
Mohd Salman is involved in receiving funds from FIF operators and his associates through the hawala (illegal funds transfer) channel, the agency claimed.
"FIF is a Pakistan-based terror organisation established by Jamat-ud-Dawa. It was founded by Hafiz Saeed," it said.
Read:|Pakistan freezes over 900 assets of JuD, JeM
FIF has been designated as a terrorist organisation by the United Nations in March 2012 while Saeed is already designated as a global terrorist by the UN.
"The FIF is nothing but a front end organisation of JuD and LeT that was formed to evade security and sanctions. The Indian government has designated FIF as a terrorist organisation in August 2016."
"LeT seeks to raise funds and build a network through FIF for further terror activities," it said.
The ED said that its probe found that "funds were re-routed from Pakistan to Dubai and further to India through hawala channels."