Hyderabad (Telangana): Railway Police on Monday successfully rescued a two-year-old girl who was allegedly kidnapped from Secunderabad Railway station.
The police were able to trace the toddler by inspecting CCTV footage.
Elaborating on the case, Railway Police inspector Adi Reddy said, "We had received a complaint from a man D Suresh that his daughter was missing. The girl was found from a nearby area and we are now working towards tracing the accused."
toddler went missing from Secunderabad railway station "The father along with his son Prabhas and daughter Swarnalatha, arrived at Secunderabad Railway Station to board a train to Nellore District on Sunday night. While waiting for the train, all three slept and upon waking up, Suresh discovered that his daughter was missing," he added.
In the CCTV footage, an unknown person is seen picking up the girl from the station premises.
A case has been registered under Section 36 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
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