Hyderabad: Telangana State Health Minister Eatala Rajendra launched a scathing attack on Centre saying that the State had asked for 1,000 ventilators but only 50 ventilators have been provided so far, moreover the minister claimed that the machine that was ordered by the state was diverted to Kolkata by ICMR on orders of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"How many times has your ICMR changed guidelines, you must think about it. We asked for 1,000 ventilators but you have given us only 50. Our machine was diverted to Kolkata by ICMR on the orders of PM. We ordered the machine but you diverted it there," said Rajendra.
"You did not give us proper facilities and financial aid but our state government has managed. BJP leaders are irresponsibly complaining to the Central Government about Telangana State Government. I urge those irresponsibly commenting and complaining BJP leaders to be mature and stop it," he added.
The minister continued saying, BJP President JP Nadda has made "false" statements against Telangana State Government. He said that Telangana State has failed in managing the Corona Crisis, The State is not conducting adequate tests and if done then the State will have Corona patients more than the National count he said, We condemn such allegations."
"Telangana State CM has already said that this virus is being brought from the other Countries. It did not start in India. Containment Zone was first meant in the Country by Telangana State. We have been tracing more than 1200 contacts at first after the Indonesian nationals were tested positive in Karimnagar.