Chennai: Renowned comedy actor Soori on Friday filed a police complaint against retired DGP Ramesh Kudawala and producer Anbuvel Rajan for duping him of Rs 2.70 crore. In his complaint, the actor said that two people cheated him for Rs 2.70 cr in the pretext of the land sale. Ramesh Kudawla is the father of actor Vishnu Vishal.
Soori has also alleged that he was not paid his due of Rs 40 lakh for acting in the film 'Veera Dheera Sooran'. The film was released in 2015.
According to reports, when Soori asked Ramesh Kudawala and Anbuvel Rajan for his pending dues, he was told to give Rs 2.70 cr stating that a land equivalent to the entire sum will be handed over to him.
Soori and Vishnu Vishal have remained close friends and they have acted in several movies together. While shooting for the movie 'Kadhanaayagan', Soori met Vishal's father Ramesh Kudawla.
Later, Ramesh Kudawla and Anbuvel Rajan jointly sold a plot at Siruseri to Soori for Rs. 5.25 crores. But after buying the plot, Soori realised that the plot remained unsold for a long time due to the poor road connectivity in the area. When he confronted Kudawla and Rajan, the duo assured him to take back the plot and return Rs 60 lakhs but that did not happen even after repeated attempts.
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Having received no response from their side, Soori had filed a complaint against them at the Adyar Police station but no action was taken as the complaint was about a former DGP. Following this, actor Soori had filed a case at the Saidapet court. Arguments accusing former DGP Ramesh of cheating were placed from Soori’s side along with supporting documents of funds transferred to Soori from actor Vishnu Vishal’s account. On inquiring the case, the Saidapet court had ordered to file a case against former DGP Ramesh Kudawla and Anbuvel Rajan following which a case had been registered under relevant sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Adyar Police Station.
Later, the case was transferred to the CB-CID as the defrauded amount was more than 50 lakh rupees and an investigation has been launched. Soori's complaint against Vishnu Vishal's father came as a huge shock to the industry.
Reacting on the entire issue, actor Vishnu Vishal tweeted, "Its easy to accuse others..harder to check on yourself Bless."
His statement read, "It is so shocking and painful to read such false allegations against me and my father. Obviously, vested interests are working. In fact, Mr Soori has to refund Vishnu Vishal Studioz an advance amount that was paid to him in 2017 for a film titled Kavarimaan Parambarai, which was eventually dropped."
He further added that he has faith in the judiciary system. "It may not be appropriate to elaborate further at this point in time and will strictly go by what law permits. Fans and well-wishers are requested to await till the moment of truth emerges. Also request media to report on this with correct facts. Once things are clear, I will take proper action within the limits of law," he wrote.
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