Rewari:Drawing inspiration from Anand Kumar’s Super 30 in Bihar, a Super-100 campaign to mould talented students has kicked off in Rajasthan. A private organization named ‘Vikalp’ has started providing economically deprived students free training and coaching for major competitive examinations like IIT and NEET. Under the campaign, two centres (one in Rewari and the other in Panchkula) are being operated. The centre in Rewari has given astounding results, as out of the 48 students who wrote the mains examinations, 43 have secured selection.
IIT Alumnus, Navin Kumar Mishra started off ‘Vikalp’ with his friends and acquaintances in 2013. Through their classes ‘Vikalp’ has taken up the obligation of preparing poor students of government schools. In 2015 too the organization had secured selection of 15 out of their 18 students, and a female student had also gained admission in AIIMS Delhi.
In 2017, ‘Vikalp’ chief Navin Kumar Mishra met Narnaul’s Additional Commissioner Raj Narayan Kaushik who had appreciated the endeavour. After some time, when Raj Narayan Kaushik was made director of the Education Department, he planned to implement the initiative begun by ‘Vikalp’, on a governmental level and eventually a decision was taken confirming the same. Therefore a decision was taken to run the Super 100 program for economically backward students of government schools.