New Delhi:Janata Dal-United leader Pavan Varma on Sunday urged the Centre to take into cognisance the views of different States on the issue of National Population Register (NPR) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) and said that this exercise can only be implemented in coordination with the States.
"The States have the right to express their opinion. Many states have done so that they do not want the discriminatory and divisive NPR-NRC exercise. I think you can only implement this exercise in coordination with the States," Varma told Media.
He also demanded the Centre to heed the different objections being raised by states on the issue.
"I believe that the Centre should listen to what the States are saying, many of them, in a federal polity and take those views on board. Bihar, through Nitish Kumar, has said that they do not want NPR exercise, the Centre must take cognisance of it," he added.